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Monday, March 9, 2009

Bugged Out

I came down with some kind of nasty flu last week, hence the lack of updates. I was coughing and hacking and my temperature was in the 39s. It was so bad that I didn't even have the strength to play too much onlike poker. And that's saying a lot.

Do you notice that as time goes by, illnesses take longer and longer to go away. Where before, you'd usually just shrug off a cold or maybe take a day off and the next day you'd be all hunky dory. Now I was totally incapacitated for 4 days and even now a week later, I still have this persistent cough that doesn't want to go away.

It's like its getting harder and harder to kill the bugs that invade our immune system. Some people blame it on the use and abuse of antibiotics and I really think they have a point. The bacteria just develop immunity to the antibiotic and no longer respond. Even if the drug companies come up with stronger and stronger antibiotics. We all know that this is not sustainable and eventually a SUPER BUG will come out that will be resistant to all known antibiotics and then we're in big trouble.

Anyway, I did manage to play a little bit during the latter part of my illness. And I was lucky enough to get 2 qualifying tickets. I got a $200+15 Pokerstars ticket thru the steps qualifiers so now I'm ready to take another crack at the Sunday Million. I also got a $150+15 ticket to the 100K Guaranteed Tourney at Cake.

Both of these big tourneys fall on those godawful early Monday morning skeds our time and I don't see any long weekends or holidays coming up, so I may need to skip work one Monday to play these tourneys simultaneously.

By the way, oluaris over at Pokermanila was asking the other time whatever happened to my objective to play in more live tourneys this year. Well, believe it or not, I was actually going to do something about this lack of live play experience. I was seriously planning to play the Metro Perfect 10. Yep. I had my buy-in prepared (cashed out some online profits) and was already preparing a leave form for Mar 12-14. And then last week I find out that our China supplier decided that they will visit our office on those days. Since I am essentially the point man for some of these joint projects, I cannot be away when they come. And that's pretty much the end of that.

I don't know if I should be disappointed or relieved. Disappointed because I've been itching to play a really good live tourney for quite some time now. Relieved because I think I save myself 25K as I'm pretty sure I will probably bust out early on some donkey ass play. =)

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